
hello again

bloggers, i know you have been fretting over my absence the last few months, but i just don't have time to blog that much. but let me assure you that i am fine.

now, guess who hasn't had power in her apartment since monday? yep, this girl! fortunately, my fabulous friends matt & courtney have been graciously letting me crash at their place for the last week. (this post is actually a shout-out to courtney because she told me last night that she "really just needed" me to blog.)

you might be thinking that my power outage is due to the winter wonderland outside. however, you'd be incorrect. so what is my power outage due to? simply put, it's due to the fact that i live in an old, crappy, run-down apartment in clinton, sc. but what can you do?

hopefully, the electricity will be fixed in the next few days... my landlord said he has somebody working on it today, so we'll see. i'm not gonna hold my breath.

i would say that i'll keep y'all posted, but my blogging track record from the last few months says i'd be lying.
