
communIT(y) news

As some of you know, I currently work (volunteer? intern?) at People's Emergency Center (PEC) in the Center for Digital Inclusion & Technology (CDIT) as part of my Mission Year experience. My time here so far has been interesting to say the least, but as my first month at PEC draws to a close, I feel like I'm finally beginning to find my niche. After spending my first three weeks completing random and sporadic assignments (read: little to nothing), I finally started developing a work load for myself this week!

I began the week by tackling our work study program. Fourteen college students with very little supervision and a pitiful excuse for a schedule doesn't cut it for me. I reorganized the schedule, developed and assigned specific roles to each student, and am in the process of creating and implementing policies and procedures. No more getting paid to study on my watch!

Next, I dove into sorting out the issues with our sixth grade after school computer class. I changed the schedule to better meet our needs, removed all the middle men, and gave our new instructor the freedom to make the class her own. Streamlining is beautiful.

On Wednesday, the most amazing thing happened: one of my coworkers announced that she is starting a quarterly departmental newsletter. Can you guess how many seconds elapsed before I offered to help?! I would venture to say that three is a gross overstatement. :) We've decided to name it communIT(y) news, hence the title of this post. The tagline is "Bringing Information Technology to West Philly." I've already written two stories for this quarter's edition!

Next week, I will begin revamping (deleting and recreating?) CDIT's Facebook page. Once it's functional, I need everyone to "Like" it!

Oh, and we also had a graphic designer come in this week to work with our department on creating a logo. I LOVE what he came up with; once it's finalized, I'll post a pic!


A Random Ten

1. Last week, my roommate Kristin told me that if I were a Disney princess, I'd be Belle. We had a special bonding moment because she had no idea that Belle is my favorite and that I love Beauty and the Beast!!!

2. November is National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo, for short). The challenge is to compose a 50,000+ word novel from November 1-30. I think this is just the opportunity I need to start writing mine!

3. The green beans I cooked for dinner on Monday would have made my mom proud. They were delicious, if I do say so myself!

4. I made chocolate whipped cream from scratch this week. It is REALLY good! I ate some of it with the gluten-free chocolate chip cookies my mom sent me. Talk about happiness. :)

5. My boss at my volunteer site was let go on Wednesday morning, effective immediately. I don't even know what else to say about that.

6. Earlier this week, I had to run to catch the trolley in the morning, and yes, everyone stared at me. Then, in the evening, I had to stand in the rain for 20 minutes while I counted six trolleys pass me headed east instead of west. Just a typical day in Philly. :)

7. I like to play a game with my housemates called "Guess the Song Stuck in My Head." (Creative title, huh?!) I think it's more fun for me than them, but they are getting better at it. They finally figured out that nine times out of ten it's a John Mayer song. Right now, for example, it's "All We Ever Do is Say Goodbye."

8. I finished the final novel in Steig Larsson's trilogy. It was so good! If you haven't read the series, you should check it out. Parts are a little intense, but overall it is superbly written. I especially appreciate the fact that it is translated from Swedish and yet still amazing!

9. I absolutely adore the Free Library of Philadelphia. The central building downtown is gorgeous and huge, and it makes me happy to go there and just be around all the books.

10. Natalie wrote me a letter this week! Shout out to her for being the first friend to do that. :) Also, a big thanks goes out to my Aunt Susan for all her cards and notes. And to my family for sending me that AWESOME package last week!