
December Series: Part 6

In approximately 48 hours, I will be walking through the Columbia airport to meet my family. Yes, that means my flight lands at 10:30AM. Yes, that means my flight leaves Philly at 6:00AM. Yes, that means I have to get to the airport at 4:30AM. But that's okay. You do what you gotta do.

A few things are standing in my way of being ready to go. I have to write and send my December newsletter. I needed to do this blog post. (Check!) And I have to do a load of laundry and...oh yeah, PACK. But I'll get it all done because, as my brother said, I always do.

My travel agent (aka my mother) has my first day home already planned. Land at 10:30AM. Get picked up by my family. Get taken out to lunch. Hair appointment/eye brow wax at 2:00PM. Nap. Dinner with extended family for uncle's birthday. Go to sleep early. Sounds pretty good huh?!

No promises about blog posts during the next couple of weeks, but I'll be back in January for sure. :)

Enjoy the Holiday season! Peace out!


December Series: Part 5

Looking forward to: My friends! I am so excited to spend some time with Katie, Natalie, and Jessi! It is going to be so great to be with people who know me so well. I miss these girls so much!

Will miss: Philly. I just really love this city.

3 days...


December Series: Part 4

Looking forward to: Holiday festivities! I am excited for Christmas celebrations with my dad's side of the family, my mom's side of the family, and our immediate family. I am also looking forward to spending New Year's Eve with two of my good friends - it's going to be girls' night out!

Will miss: My roommates! I have grown to love my roommates, and despite needing a break from the craziness of living with six girls, I will miss each of them. They are all so unique and special!

8 days... 


December Series: Part 3

Looking forward to: My mom's cooking! She texted me this weekend and said to let her know my food requests for my visit. I just emailed her the following list:

- spaghetti or lasagna or both
- roast with potatoes and carrots
- macaroni and cheese
- lima beans!
- pork tenderloin
- cheesy potatoes
- cake (chocolate or strawberry)
- chocolate chip pancakes
- those brownies with the icing on them
- pesto dip
- sweet potato souffle
- corn pie
- pineapple cheese casserole
- cranberry casserole
- deviled eggs
- blueberry biscuits

I know it's a lot, but nobody cooks like my momma!

Will miss: Citywides. I really enjoy getting together with all people doing my volunteer service program in Philly each week on Thursday night. I will miss these gatherings and all my peeps while I am home.

10 days...


December Series: Part 2

Looking forward to: Sleeping in! Two weeks of NOT waking up at 6:15AM is going to be incredible! I cannot wait to catch up on some much needed sleep. Yay!

Will miss: My neighbors. I have grown to love some of my sweet neighbors so much, and I will miss spending time with them while I am away.

16 days...


December Series: Part 1

Looking forward to: Spending time with my family! I seriously miss them so much. Ward, my brother, is coming up with a "Fun List" of things for him, Claire (my sister), and me to do while I'm home. It's gonna be awesome. I also can't wait to hang out with my parents. I'm really looking forward to sitting around the table with all four of them, being stupid and laughing so hard I can't breathe. Love you guys!

Will miss: SEPTA. I know I harp on it all the time, but I actually really enjoy using public transportation. I love that I don't have to think about driving on my commute to work each morning (or when going anywhere for that matter); I can think about whatever I want and trust that the trolley/bus/train driver will get me where I need to go. It's going to be so weird to drive a car while I'm home.

18 days...