
December Series: Part 6

In approximately 48 hours, I will be walking through the Columbia airport to meet my family. Yes, that means my flight lands at 10:30AM. Yes, that means my flight leaves Philly at 6:00AM. Yes, that means I have to get to the airport at 4:30AM. But that's okay. You do what you gotta do.

A few things are standing in my way of being ready to go. I have to write and send my December newsletter. I needed to do this blog post. (Check!) And I have to do a load of laundry and...oh yeah, PACK. But I'll get it all done because, as my brother said, I always do.

My travel agent (aka my mother) has my first day home already planned. Land at 10:30AM. Get picked up by my family. Get taken out to lunch. Hair appointment/eye brow wax at 2:00PM. Nap. Dinner with extended family for uncle's birthday. Go to sleep early. Sounds pretty good huh?!

No promises about blog posts during the next couple of weeks, but I'll be back in January for sure. :)

Enjoy the Holiday season! Peace out!


December Series: Part 5

Looking forward to: My friends! I am so excited to spend some time with Katie, Natalie, and Jessi! It is going to be so great to be with people who know me so well. I miss these girls so much!

Will miss: Philly. I just really love this city.

3 days...


December Series: Part 4

Looking forward to: Holiday festivities! I am excited for Christmas celebrations with my dad's side of the family, my mom's side of the family, and our immediate family. I am also looking forward to spending New Year's Eve with two of my good friends - it's going to be girls' night out!

Will miss: My roommates! I have grown to love my roommates, and despite needing a break from the craziness of living with six girls, I will miss each of them. They are all so unique and special!

8 days... 


December Series: Part 3

Looking forward to: My mom's cooking! She texted me this weekend and said to let her know my food requests for my visit. I just emailed her the following list:

- spaghetti or lasagna or both
- roast with potatoes and carrots
- macaroni and cheese
- lima beans!
- pork tenderloin
- cheesy potatoes
- cake (chocolate or strawberry)
- chocolate chip pancakes
- those brownies with the icing on them
- pesto dip
- sweet potato souffle
- corn pie
- pineapple cheese casserole
- cranberry casserole
- deviled eggs
- blueberry biscuits

I know it's a lot, but nobody cooks like my momma!

Will miss: Citywides. I really enjoy getting together with all people doing my volunteer service program in Philly each week on Thursday night. I will miss these gatherings and all my peeps while I am home.

10 days...


December Series: Part 2

Looking forward to: Sleeping in! Two weeks of NOT waking up at 6:15AM is going to be incredible! I cannot wait to catch up on some much needed sleep. Yay!

Will miss: My neighbors. I have grown to love some of my sweet neighbors so much, and I will miss spending time with them while I am away.

16 days...


December Series: Part 1

Looking forward to: Spending time with my family! I seriously miss them so much. Ward, my brother, is coming up with a "Fun List" of things for him, Claire (my sister), and me to do while I'm home. It's gonna be awesome. I also can't wait to hang out with my parents. I'm really looking forward to sitting around the table with all four of them, being stupid and laughing so hard I can't breathe. Love you guys!

Will miss: SEPTA. I know I harp on it all the time, but I actually really enjoy using public transportation. I love that I don't have to think about driving on my commute to work each morning (or when going anywhere for that matter); I can think about whatever I want and trust that the trolley/bus/train driver will get me where I need to go. It's going to be so weird to drive a car while I'm home.

18 days...


December Series: Intro

If you didn't already know, I'll be heading home to good ol' South Carolina in 3 weeks. From December 21 to January 6, I will have the opportunity to take a break, rest, visit with family and friends, and celebrate the holidays. In anticipation of leaving Philly and traveling back down South, I will be doing a December series on my blog. Every Monday and Wednesday, I will write a post about one thing I am looking forward to in South Carolina and one thing I will miss in Philly. Stay tuned! :)


Snow Day

It is snowing today!

Yes, Southerners, it is snowing in November. The beginning of November, no less. I can't get over it! I'm supposed to be working, but I keep catching myself staring out the window, watching the white flakes drift down from the sky.

Today is the first time...

- I've seen snow in November.

- I've seen snow while at work.

- I've announced, "It's snowing!" and been met with very little, if any, emotion in return.

- I've traveled to and from work in the snow.

Pretty thankful right now that my family gave me Bogs as a birthday present right before I moved to Philly. They've been nice to have as rain boots, but they are especially nice to have as snow boots!

I'll keep y'all posted about the winter weather here. Yes, I said Winter. I refuse to believe that it snows in the Fall.


communIT(y) news

As some of you know, I currently work (volunteer? intern?) at People's Emergency Center (PEC) in the Center for Digital Inclusion & Technology (CDIT) as part of my Mission Year experience. My time here so far has been interesting to say the least, but as my first month at PEC draws to a close, I feel like I'm finally beginning to find my niche. After spending my first three weeks completing random and sporadic assignments (read: little to nothing), I finally started developing a work load for myself this week!

I began the week by tackling our work study program. Fourteen college students with very little supervision and a pitiful excuse for a schedule doesn't cut it for me. I reorganized the schedule, developed and assigned specific roles to each student, and am in the process of creating and implementing policies and procedures. No more getting paid to study on my watch!

Next, I dove into sorting out the issues with our sixth grade after school computer class. I changed the schedule to better meet our needs, removed all the middle men, and gave our new instructor the freedom to make the class her own. Streamlining is beautiful.

On Wednesday, the most amazing thing happened: one of my coworkers announced that she is starting a quarterly departmental newsletter. Can you guess how many seconds elapsed before I offered to help?! I would venture to say that three is a gross overstatement. :) We've decided to name it communIT(y) news, hence the title of this post. The tagline is "Bringing Information Technology to West Philly." I've already written two stories for this quarter's edition!

Next week, I will begin revamping (deleting and recreating?) CDIT's Facebook page. Once it's functional, I need everyone to "Like" it!

Oh, and we also had a graphic designer come in this week to work with our department on creating a logo. I LOVE what he came up with; once it's finalized, I'll post a pic!


A Random Ten

1. Last week, my roommate Kristin told me that if I were a Disney princess, I'd be Belle. We had a special bonding moment because she had no idea that Belle is my favorite and that I love Beauty and the Beast!!!

2. November is National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo, for short). The challenge is to compose a 50,000+ word novel from November 1-30. I think this is just the opportunity I need to start writing mine!

3. The green beans I cooked for dinner on Monday would have made my mom proud. They were delicious, if I do say so myself!

4. I made chocolate whipped cream from scratch this week. It is REALLY good! I ate some of it with the gluten-free chocolate chip cookies my mom sent me. Talk about happiness. :)

5. My boss at my volunteer site was let go on Wednesday morning, effective immediately. I don't even know what else to say about that.

6. Earlier this week, I had to run to catch the trolley in the morning, and yes, everyone stared at me. Then, in the evening, I had to stand in the rain for 20 minutes while I counted six trolleys pass me headed east instead of west. Just a typical day in Philly. :)

7. I like to play a game with my housemates called "Guess the Song Stuck in My Head." (Creative title, huh?!) I think it's more fun for me than them, but they are getting better at it. They finally figured out that nine times out of ten it's a John Mayer song. Right now, for example, it's "All We Ever Do is Say Goodbye."

8. I finished the final novel in Steig Larsson's trilogy. It was so good! If you haven't read the series, you should check it out. Parts are a little intense, but overall it is superbly written. I especially appreciate the fact that it is translated from Swedish and yet still amazing!

9. I absolutely adore the Free Library of Philadelphia. The central building downtown is gorgeous and huge, and it makes me happy to go there and just be around all the books.

10. Natalie wrote me a letter this week! Shout out to her for being the first friend to do that. :) Also, a big thanks goes out to my Aunt Susan for all her cards and notes. And to my family for sending me that AWESOME package last week!


To Be Philadelphian

A few things I've learned about being a Philadelphian:

- DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, refer to the city's famous sandwich as "Philly cheese steak." Locals always refer to it as simply cheese steak. To call it otherwise is to expose yourself as a tourist.

- Philly is also famous for a treat called water ice. It is similar to Italian ice, but Philadelphians swear water ice is better. A true Philadelphian would never eat Rita's, but rather would get water ice from the local mini market (that's a convenience store for you Southerners). I've tried four flavors so far (and my goal is to try all of them!): Strawberry Lemonade (DELISH!), Cherry (YUMMY!), Mango (TASTY!), and Pina Colada (GROSS!).

- SEPTA, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, is the public transit system in Philly. It is a massive system, composed of buses, trollies, a subway, and an eL. My main form of transportation (aside from my own two feet) is the 10 Trolley. Lucky for me, it's probably the most unreliable SEPTA vehicle in the entire city. I've learned that any time you are late somewhere, all you have to do is shake your head and say, "SEPTA," and your tardiness is dismissed with a sympathetic nod.

- Drivers in this city are crazy! I've never seen such wild, fast, impatient driving in all my life. Praise the Lord I didn't bring my car here. I would never operate a motor vehicle in this city! I'll stick to walking, biking, and SEPTA.


I'm a Southern Belle, Y'all

Before I moved to Philly, I didn't realize the impact being Southern has on my identity. Obviously, having lived in South Carolina all my life, I identified myself as a Southerner; however, I didn't know just how deeply ingrained in my sense of self that identification ran. Living in a Northeastern city with three Midwesterners and two West Coasters is beginning to reveal to me just how Southern I really am.

I'm the only one in my house who says "y'all."

I introduced the word "sursy" to all the people in my program, and a few of them are trying to begin implementing it in their vocabularies. They have yet to be successful. :)

I am determined to make my housemates eat grits and like them!

One of the little girls on my block asked me if I was from South Carolina. I asked her how she knew. She replied, "My grandma's from South Carolina and you sound just like her."

I'm still not used to getting hit on regularly by random men on the street. My safety hasn't been threatened in any way; the men here just like to let you know when they appreciate what they see, but a Southern gentleman would never!

There's so little personal room and very little green space in the city. I think our whole block would fit in my parents' yard, and I could count on one hand the number of trees (I'm using that term very loosely... maybe bushes or plants would be more accurate?!) on our street.

Prices in convenience stores include tax. This means that you walk in, pick up what you want to buy, lay the money on the counter, and walk out. There's no polite exchange expected between cashier and customer, but I usually forget and end up receiving a strange look when I smile and say, "Thanks. Have a great day!"

People here do not say, "How are you?" The appropriate exchange when greeting someone is, "How ya doin?" I have to make a conscious effort each time to make sure I say the right thing.

My roommates still can't get over my accent, and they laugh sometimes when I say certain things. Surprisingly, no one has pointed out the classic, Southern "might should" yet.

My team leader described me in her newsletter as a "Southern belle." I would never use that term to describe myself because I know girls like Ali Douglas, true Southern belles. :) But everything's relative I guess, so I'm sure to her I am a Southern belle.

People here seem to think that the South is a little bigger than it actually is. In case anyone out there is wondering (like my roommate from Chicago), Arkansas and Oklahoma are NOT Southern states. Kentucky and Virginia are debatable; it depends on where you live in those states. And although Florida is located in the South, it is by no means a Southern state.

I'm excited to adopt a little "city" culture into my life, but I'm also glad I get to bring a taste of the South to my house and to Philly. Hopefully I'm representing us well!


Back to Blogging

I haven't blogged in FOR-EV-ER. Actually, I'm not even sure if anyone reads this thing anymore. But I found this fun list of things to blog about, so I've decided to try to get back into blogging. I need something productive and creative to do with my time. Here's the list of my next 30 blogs (hopefully in 30 days):

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

Stay tuned to see if I make it!